Elysian Fields
by Suzanne Johnson
Tor, $25.99, 352pp
Release Date: August 13, 2013
This is the third from this author
(see my review for book #2, River Road by clicking here). And, wow how much better! Or maybe I was just in a better mood reading this one. Or, since I skipped the first book, I was just more familiar with the characters. Whatever the reason, I so enjoyed this story.
DJ Jaco is a sentinel in
New Orleans
responsible for policing supernatural beings who cross from the Beyond into
New Orleans
. Currently on her plate: a friend and former boyfriend is still a loup-garou and not completely in control proving a danger to both himself and others; Jean Lafitte, the undead pirate, is still pursuing DJ; she’s still on the fence about her partner romantically; and there’s a serial killer on the loose. But this is no ordinary serial killer, if such a thing can be said, he’s from the Beyond. That means he can’t be killed but he has to be stopped somehow. And to complicate her life further, DJ may be infected by the loup-garou, making her persona non grata to her fellow wizards and just about all the other supernatural realms. The elven magic she uses is still a concern to the elves who are awfully eager to have a conversation with her so eager, in fact, they kidnap her to do so. And her research into the undead serial killer seems to indicate he’s targeting DJ, and he’s being controlled by another party possibly a fellow wizard.
This was a great story! I had so much fun with this one, all the characters were spot-on. The plot was really good, the pacing fast and exciting. It was a first rate mystery with truly intriguing and interesting characters. ~~ Catherine Book
For more titles in the Sentinels of New Orleans series click here
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