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Elysian Fields
by Suzanne Johnson
Tor, $25.99, 352pp
Release Date: August 13, 2013
This is the third from this author (see my review for book #2, River Road by clicking here). And, wow – how much better! Or maybe I was just in a better mood reading this one. Or, since I skipped the first book, I was just more familiar with the characters. Whatever the reason, I so enjoyed this story.

DJ Jaco is a sentinel in New Orleans responsible for policing supernatural beings who cross from the Beyond into New Orleans . Currently on her plate: a friend and former boyfriend is still a loup-garou and not completely in control proving a danger to both himself and others; Jean Lafitte, the undead pirate, is still pursuing DJ; she’s still on the fence about her partner romantically; and there’s a serial killer on the loose. But this is no ordinary serial killer, if such a thing can be said, he’s from the Beyond. That means he can’t be killed but he has to be stopped – somehow. And to complicate her life further, DJ may be infected by the loup-garou, making her persona non grata to her fellow wizards and just about all the other supernatural realms. The elven magic she uses is still a concern to the elves who are awfully eager to have a conversation with her – so eager, in fact, they kidnap her to do so. And her research into the undead serial killer seems to indicate he’s targeting DJ, and he’s being controlled by another party – possibly a fellow wizard.

This was a great story! I had so much fun with this one, all the characters were spot-on. The plot was really good, the pacing fast and exciting. It was a first rate mystery with truly intriguing and interesting characters. ~~ Catherine Book

For more titles in the Sentinels of New Orleans series click here

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