February 1, 2025
Updated Convention Listings

February 15
New reviews in
The Book Nook,
The Illustrated Corner,
Nana's Nook,and
Odds & Ends and
Voices From the Past

Book Pick
of the Month

January 15
New reviews in
The Book Nook,
The Illustrated Corner,
Nana's Nook,and
Odds & Ends and
Voices From the Past

January 1, 2025
Updated Convention Listings

Previous Updates

The Rapture of the Nerds
by Cory Doctorow and Charles Stross
Tor Books, $11 Kindle, $15 Paperback, $25 hardback, 352pp
Release Date: September 4, 2012
The subtitle is 'A tale of the singularity, posthumanity, and awkward social situations' and told in the 3rd person POV; a highly amusing tale of Huw, a luddite Welshman/woman picked for

Tech Jury Service in Libya . He is helped by a teapot with artificial intelligence, and Bonnie, a boy/girlfriend. Huw and Bonnie get their sexes changed at times. Huw also has a translator device put in his throat to make him humanity's unwilling ambassador to sentient cloud computer minds in outer space, which is what has become of most people who tech-raptured off of Earth. Will Huw save the world from malevolent computer singularities, not to mention the remnants of a USA dominated by Southern Baptists and eaten away by ants? I get echoes of Douglas Adams and Jonathan Swift's satire. ~~ Mike Griffin

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