Taken (Alex Verus Series #3)
By Benedict Jacka
Roc, $7.99, 320pp
Release Date: September 4, 2012
Back Cover: “This time last year, I could go weeks without seeing another mage. In mage society I was an unknown and, all in all, that was how I liked it. It’s hard to say what changed. Whatever it was, I got involved in the magical world again and started getting myself a reputation.
Alex Verus’s insights into the future used to be the best-kept secret in
. Now, with the aid of his apprentice, Luna, his unique investigative talents are all the rage. He just has to be careful about picking his employers, because everyoneeven the beautiful woman who practically begs him to run security for a prestigious tournamenthas motives that can be hard to predict. And Alex doesn’t do unpredictable.
But his latest gig just might be impossible. Apprentices have been vanishing without a traceand someone on the Council could be involved. Alex has no evidence, no witnesses, and no suspects. All he knows is that someone is keeping tabs on him. And after assassins target Luna’s classmate, Alex sees that he doesn’t know the half of itand that he could be the next to disappear.”
If you like Jim Butcher’s Dresden books or Kevin Hearne’s Iron Druid series you will like this series just as well. An action packed book to read. I can’t wait for the next book in the series. ~~ CLD