Voices From Beyond
Ghost Finders #5
A Ghost Finders Novel
by Simon R Green
Ace, $7.99, 296pp
Publication Date: August 26, 2014
This is the fifth in Green’s Ghost Finders series. Ghost of a Smile (book two) is reviewed here, Ghost of a Dream (book three) is reviewed here.
JC Chance, Melody Chambers and Happy Jack Palmer work for the Carnacki Institute. Their task: Do Something about Ghosts.
Four London students hold a seance in a supposed haunted house and things go really really wrong - they accidentally summon something from Outside that takes their minds, leaving them as empty shells. The Ghost Finders arrive prepared to battle the Beast for the student’s souls but this is not the main threat. What they don’t know is that elsewhere a different entity has crossed from its world to ours and is hanging around a radio station, Radio Free Albion. The staff has fled for the most part, being unable to handle the voices warning of imminent disaster that are infesting the phone lines and broadcasts. Only four staffers remain and they, along with our three Ghost Finders, are each tormented with their own personal visit from the entity, each person’s vision foretelling failure on their part and the end of all life on earth. With only 24 hours to save the world will the Ghost Finders succeed or will the earth come to a screeching end?
I enjoyed this outing though I admit it probably would have been easier to follow if I had read the previous book, Spirits From Beyond. Starting the series here is not recommended as it assumes a lot of prior knowledge. That said, this is a fast-paced, page turner with the team in mounting peril until the climax is reached. Events of this book will have a lingering effect in the future. Recommended. ~~ Stephanie L Bannon