This book is a collection of short stories, or tall tales (depending on your point of view), told by Arizona artist, Gilead. It's complimented by a sprinkling of sketches to enhance each tale that's told.
With a mixture of memories and imagination, Gilead tells you stories from his hometown of Bosky Creek, a place that may or may not exist, waiting to be remembered and rediscovered, waiting for an old man to come home.
Many of the tales are full of whimsy and a little Arizona legend, but a few, like Angelina's Grave and The Door, will send a shiver down your spine.
You'll learn a few important life lessons along the way, like how there could be repercussions if you sleep in the stone fairy ring or don't believe everything they say about snipe. And always keep your eyes open in the tall grass for the Arizona Grass Dragon!
Being an Arizona native, I was partial to the tale about horny toads, since I caught my fair share of them as a kid and agree they get to be bigger than four inches. I ought to know! I'm one of a few who can brag that I once had twenty-three of the critters living with me at one time. And that's as true a tale as ever was told down Bosky Creek.
The artwork is endearing and compliments each story nicely. I highly recommend reading this book. It's sure to bring a smile to your face and a few childhood memories to mind.
This book is self-published by Gilead, so you'll need to contact him to order a copy, but it's well worth it. ~~ Dee Astell
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