This really delightful book reads like a Regency Romance in space. I just enjoyed it so much!
Calamity Reed has been banished from her wealthy family and ends up on a rickety scouting vessel for hire called Quest. Its run down appearance is offset by the handsome Captain Ven who Calamity falls in love with. He, of course, is a philandering schmuck and she finds out the hard way. Ven decides to jump ship with his babe leaving the Quest stranded in port. Calamity decides to bite the blaster and get over it all by using her savings to buy the ship and the services of its stalwart crew.
Now Captain, she accepts a job that may pay off her debt if they find a newly discovered fuel that will revolutionize space travel.They get the job from yet another very wealthy family and acquire the services of the oldest son, Arcadio Escajeda as a security chief. And he is outrageously buff and gorgeous and Calamity is smitten despite her recent mess with Ven.
The planet they go to is a desert world with no cities on it. Of course Calamity is hoping no one notices they’ve unexpectedly gone out to this empty desolate world. Well it would be no fun if it was completely desolate, there’s a weird cult living down in the deep canyons where underground water flows to add color and and overall bizarreness. Of course they get entangled with them…and a secret base with fiendishly evil plans.
So, is there a secret fuel worth a fortune there? Can the Quest survive a run in with a military industrial family the Nakatomi…who of course have their own agenda and look to wreak havoc and blame it on the Escajeda.
This is such a fun romp through space and Calamity is not only close to Arcadio but supported by a tight knit group of characters.
There are two more books to come, the next one in June. ~~ Sue Martin