February 1, 2025
Updated Convention Listings

February 15
New reviews in
The Book Nook,
The Illustrated Corner,
Nana's Nook,and
Odds & Ends and
Voices From the Past

Book Pick
of the Month

January 15
New reviews in
The Book Nook,
The Illustrated Corner,
Nana's Nook,and
Odds & Ends and
Voices From the Past

January 1, 2025
Updated Convention Listings

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Can't Spell Treason without Tea
Tomes & Tea #1
by Rebecca Thorne
Bramble; 339 pp. $19.99
Published: May 2024

A cozy fantasy is what this is; with a great deal of love and humor. A read which needs a deep old chair, a lamp and some tea. And maybe a cookie or two.

We have two delightful strong-hearted women. Kianthe the Arcandor, the Mage of mages and her partner Reyna, formerly of the Queens guard, a one-woman defender. Both women have tired of their previous jobs and so have struck out and moved to the small innocuous town of Tawney. Here they decide to establish a bookstore/tea shop called New Leaf Tomes and Tea (get it? Nudge, nudge; wink wink.)

Of course, it is not all that simple but the adventures they take on to establish the shop are fun and the jobs they do to help their community gives us a wide range of their abilities and their sense of humor. BUT, just one eensy weensy thing: Reyna did not tell her obnoxious queen she was leaving (an act of treason) and Kianthe being Arcandor is frowned upon by her fellow mages for leaving the sanctuary of Magicary.

Their actions, of course, create some problems for both women. Reyna has to keep the local bandits busy (and out of everyone’s hair) and Kianthe has to help the nearby marauding dragons find a few missing dragon eggs before they burn the town to ashes.

Thorne has really created fun characters and this includes the supporting cast. The story rolls right along giving Kianthe and Reyna enough to keep their hands full with the ins and outs of running a business and along the way developing a deeper love for the other. ~~ Sue Martin

For more titles by Rebecca Thorne click here

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