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Lost Time
by Tas Mukanik With inks by Winter Jay Kiakas
Aimed at children 8 - 12 years
Razorbill, $22.99, 240pp
Published: October 2023

Twelve-year-old Evie knows she is lost but the depths of just how lost really begins to set in when she encounters her first dinosaur. And her second. And her third, etc.

Somehow she's landed herself in the Cretaceous period!

While running from her dinosaur encounters, she manages to rescue an egg before it becomes dinner to a hungry lizard. As she stumbles along with the egg clutched tightly in her arms, she discovers a building. Feeling lost and alone, she makes her way inside the empty building, where she proceeds to sit and cry, feeling sorry for running away and getting lost, knowing her mothers must be upset and worried about her.

While she's crying, the egg begins to hatch and out pops a baby pterosaur. Realizing that it's as alone as she is, she bonds with the baby and names her Ada.

So begins the adventure of how Evie and Ada learn to survive in the Cretaceous period, from Ada growing bigger and learning to fly to Evie learning how to make traps to catch fish, all while trying to unravel the mystery about the building they live in, as well as trying to figure out how to get Evie back to her time and her mothers.

This graphic novel is well-drawn, filled with lots of details, yet not overly busy. The dinosaur illustrations are accurate with feathers and fur, in keeping with what we know of dinosaurs today. There is a section at the end of the book that shows you the name of each dino breed that was pictured within. The coloring fits well with the tone of the story.

The story is engaging and the panels are easy to follow so kids can keep along with what's happening in the book.

To me, it has an underlying message of never giving up hope and that trust in a friend is an important thing to have.

I enjoyed this book and will happily sit down and read it with my grandchildren. ~~ Dee Astell

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