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The People of the Morning Star
by Kathleen O Neal Gear & Michael Gear
Tor, $25.99, 496pp
Publication Date: May 6, 2014
With this twenty-first entry in their North America’s Forgotten Past, the Gears start a new subset with new characters set 50 years after 1992's People of the River, continuing the story of the Cahokia Empire, near what is now St Louis. Cahokia is a vast city spreading for six square miles with structures more than ten stories tall whose traders roamed across the land from the Great Lakes to the Gulf of Mexico. But trouble comes from within when there is an assassination attempt on their living god, Morning Star. Blue Heron assembles a group to help her protect the Messiah and eliminate the threat to their city.

Once again the Gears have given us a novel rich in historical detail that show their background as archaeologists. This is not a quick read at almost 500 pages but richly drawn characters pull one into the story and keep you turning the pages to the very end. One hopes a sequel is in the works since we are left with some unanswered questions concerning several characters. Recommended ~~ Stephanie L Bannon

For more titles in this series click here
For more titles by Kathleen O'Neal Gear and W Michael Gear click here

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