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Cockatiels at Seven
Meg Langlsow #9
by Donna Andrews
Minotaur, $12.99 e-book, 304pp
Published: June 30 2008

It's time for more outrageous and feathered fun in the award-winning, laugh-out-loud Meg Langslow series.

When her old friend Karen drops by with two-year-old son Timmy, Meg Langslow reluctantly agrees to babysit "just for a little while." But when nightfall comes, the toddler is still in residence and Karen isn't answering any phone calls. Meg decides she must find out what's happening, so the next morning, with Timmy in tow, she retraces her friend's footsteps---and begins to suspect that Karen's disappearance is tied to at least one serious crime. Has Karen been killed or kidnapped? Is she on the run from the bad guys? Or is she one of the bad guys? The police don't seem to care, so Meg once again plays sleuth---this time with a toddler as her sidekick.

As usual, Meg's extended family adds to the complications in her life. What covert animal welfare project are Dad and the curmudgeonly zoologist Dr. Montgomery Blake working on---and will Meg have to make another late-night trip to bail them out of jail? Why does Meg's brother keep disappearing---is he merely trying to avoid babysitting, or is he involved in something more mysterious? Will taking care of Timmy dampen newly married Meg and Michael's enthusiasm for starting a family of their own? And are any of Meg's relatives reliable enough to be trusted with a two-year-old---especially a two-year-old whose whereabouts might be of interest to some very dangerous people?

Donna Andrews once again proves her skill as one of the funniest, most entertaining mystery authors around.

Meg is happily working in her forge when her old friend Karen stops by and asks her to look after her toddler for a little while. But a little while turns into hours, then days as Karen has disappeared, is not answering her phone, her apartment has been ransacked and police, as well as possible bad guys, are looking for her. Since police seem more interested in linking Karen to a crime than finding out what happened to her, Meg starts her own investigation. Meanwhile Meg’s father and grandfather are involved in something they are keeping to themselves, except for the birds hidden on the third floor of Meg’s house and the snakes in the basement.

Once again Meg’s family and circumstances create adventure and mayhem; this time with a toddler mixed in.

I am really enjoying revisiting this series, getting reacquainted with the various members of Meg’s family and friends and how they came into her life. These are always enjoyable reads, even the second or third time around, and this one is no exception.  I heartily recommend this whole series. ~~ Stephanie L Bannon

For more titles by Donna Andrews click here

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